Budgie Flying Around Cage At Night? Common Reasons Behind It

A budgie flying around cage at night may seem concerning.

If your pet does this each night, then you are probably wondering if there is something really wrong about your budgie. After all, it is not very common for these birds to do such – unless there is a strong reason for it.

Today, we will explore the possible reasons behind a budgie that flies around a cage at night and what it may mean. Let’s get started.

budgie flying around cage at night

Budgie Flying Around Cage At Night? Here’s Why

For the most part, a budgie flies around its cage at night because of night frights.

For instance, these birds may wake in a state of fear and panic. This will cause them to constantly flap their wings at night and crash into their cages blindly and frantically. 

They may have an intense fear of a predator and assume there is one nearby, or another type of threat. Hence, their immediate reaction is to want to flee and escape. So, they fly around the cage and crash against the hard material, which can cause them to get hurt.

These night frights are the common causes of sleep interruptions among budgies. There are also many reasons why this may happen such as any sudden movement that they detect or a loud noise and an intense flash of light.

As these birds are highly sensitive to their environment, people shouting, trees noisily blowing in the wind, TV sounds, and car headlights, as well as lighting and thunder may send these half-asleep winged creatures into a frenzy.

Moreover, night terror happens when these birds are in the NREM or non-rapid eye movement state of their sleep. What this means is that they sleep with an eye open, which allows it to interpret what is going on in the surroundings. However, because of a bad night vision, budgies tend to misinterpret what it hears or sees, causing them to get frightened and fly around the cage.

You may be wondering if night terrors among budgies are normal or not. The thing is that these birds are largely prey animals. Thus, they naturally have quick reflexes that allow them to rapidly escape from their predators whenever danger is sensed.

When they are afraid, they have an instinct to flap their wings quickly and make some wild squawks. It is their way of warning other feathered creatures of potential danger. In fact, even shadows that loom over their cage, which are caused by plants, trees and even household items can result in night terrors among these birds. 

But there are other causes of night terrors aside from fear.

For instance, they may be suffering from loneliness. Budgies are naturally social creatures that prefer to be with other budgies. These birds are accustomed to living in a group of other feathered friends – about hundreds of them – so they have comfort in knowing they are not alone. 

So, if you have a single budgie in the cage, it is highly likely to suffer from elevated stress levels. This is why they may experience night terrors and fly around the cage at night because of this.

A change of home or environment can also contribute to night terrors. This is particularly common during the first couple of nights. Your pet may be studying its new environment that appears to be intimidating as it is still unfamiliar. As a result, it may experience night terrors. 

An interruption in the sleep pattern can cause stress and night terrors to your pet. With poor sleep, this can lead to mental fatigue and stress. So, each time your budgie goes to sleep, it may be awakened easily by various sleep disturbances and have night terrors.

Other Important Points To Consider

Your budgie needs up to 12 hours of sleep each day to maintain good health. But when your pet is not sleeping well, it will be subject to stress and imbalance.

They may also have gone through trauma that can result in depression and intense fear. Sometimes, predator sightings including a cat watching your pet near the cage, a barking dog, or even a hawk that swoops by your window can be extremely terrifying for a budgie. 

Even a slight brush with such a predator can trigger intense fear and stress, as well as a burst of adrenaline. This is why your pet may be seen flying around the cage at night and can lead to frequent nightmares and terrors. 

So, if you notice this habit with your pet, it is best to turn the lights on. You may want to uncover the cage when there is a blanket covering it. The light will allow your pet to regain better vision and eventually calm down once it sees there is no threat at all. 

But more often than not, just your presence will give your pet a feeling of comfort and security. However, avoid touching your pet or even move close to it. The distressed state can last for a few minutes, which is why it may fail to recognize you. When it is severely scared, it may even misinterpret your hand and think of it as a large predator approaching it. 

So, just keep your distance while at the same time making sure your pet has some light to see its surroundings clearly. Once it has come to the understanding that everything is okay, it should stop flying around frantically in its cage and calm down. Then, you can talk softly to your budgie and assure it that everything is okay and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Read More: African Grey Chicken Scratching A Lot? Here’s Why!


A budgie flying around cage at night is a sign of fear and distress. Due to night terror and nightmares, your pet may act this way, which is why it is best to reassure it that everything is fine and nothing bad is going to happen to it.

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