A parrotlet sudden death can be devastating to owners.
The last thing you want is to see your pet suffering, especially when you are not even certain about the cause.
This is why it helps to have a good understanding of why this happens and the common reasons behind it. By doing so, you can prevent such a horrible situation and ensure the health and well-being of your parrotlet.
With all this being said, let us have a look at parrotlet sudden death causes and things you need to avoid to make sure your pet stays well and reaches its optimum wellness. Let’s get started.

Parrotlet Sudden Death Causes
If you have a feathery pet as a household pet, then you may be wondering what it takes to keep it happy, healthy, and well.
Sadly, there are some instances of a parrotlet sudden death – and some owners are not even sure why this happens! This is why if you would like to prevent this from happening, you may want to keep reading to understand better what these causes may be.
1. Dehydration
When you have a pet parrotlet in the house, you want to make sure that it is getting the right amount of water it needs. Some owners are surprised to see their feathery friend wobbling and on the brink of death, only to realize – thanks to their vet – that the bird has been sustaining severe dehydration.
This is why you need to check carefully how much water you are giving your pet. Perhaps the water bottle or water dispenser has not been working well, or there is no water left at all. Do keep in mind that birds can die from dehydration in just three days of being deprived of water.
Hence, make it a part of your daily routine to check on your pet’s water supply and be sure that it is getting the liquids it needs.
2. Poisoning
Birds are very sensitive creatures and their sense of smell is impeccable. So, if there is some kind of toxic fumes or gas wafting in the air – and it happens to get into your pet’s body, then there is a risk of poisoning.
In fact, parrotlets can die suddenly because of this, and not many owners are aware that this can be the cause. Among the most common harmful fumes in the house that can kill your pet include fumes coming from the covers of your iron boards, some heat lamps, and non-stick cookware. The number one material that can kill your pet is PTFE or polytetrafluoroethylene.
Moreover, there are other fumes that are toxic to parrotlets such as smoke coming from cigarettes and vapors from aerosol products and bleaches. These fumes can lead to respiratory blockages that will eventually kill your pet.
So, we recommend keeping your pet away from these fumes or sources of these vapors. Thus, the best place to put your pet’s cage is away from the kitchen and be sure there is ample ventilation and fresh air all throughout the day.
3. Night Fright
Now, this is something that not many owners are aware of, yet it does cause parrotlet sudden death. But these birds are not the only ones that can die because of this cause. Among the other species that can die due to night fright include budgies, finches, and cockatiels.
What night fright means is that there are some disturbances happening in a peaceful and quiet night, which can cause panic to your pet. As a result, your parrotlet instantly experiences great fear and feels as though it is in grave danger. In its attempt to protect itself from this imagined threat, it will move swiftly in the air and try to fly away.
Unfortunately, it ends up thrashing its delicate body and head against the ceiling of its cage, which leads to serious internal injuries. More often than not, this can cause the bird to suffer and die.
4. Toxic Plants
Plants are fantastic additions to your home, especially the ones that add beauty to your indoor space. However, you may not be aware of this but there are some plants that are poisonous to your feathered friends. As an example, the Oleander is a gorgeous plant with delightful blooms. But once your parrotlet chews on the leaves, it can quickly kill your pet because of the toxic components in it.
With this in mind, be sure to choose carefully the plants you put in your home. Check what the characteristics are and if there are any safety risks to your precious pet.
5. Temperature Of Food
Hand-feeding is the most ideal way of feeding baby parrotlets. But did you know that when you feed your pet food at a very low temperature, this can do more harm than good for its body? What happens is that this can lead to a disruption to the functioning of its gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to something fatal.
Furthermore, using dirty utensils that may have some bacteria in them or forceful feeding resulting in aspiration pneumonia are additional risks to your pet’s life. This is why hand-feeding must only be done with the supervision of an expert at the onset until you are well-versed about this system.
Additional Things To Consider
Now, it is important to note that your parrotlet has a very delicate body. So, if you prefer to bring your pet around to some shows, club meetings, and the like, this increases the risk of diseases that can get transferred from one bird to another. Among these ailments include giardia, chlamydiosis, and polyoma, to name a few.
Even adding another bird into your pet’s cage can also be a potential disease-carrier. So, it is important to quarantine the other bird first for a couple of months to make sure everything is perfectly fine with its health.
Bottom Line
Parrotlet sudden death causes come in different forms and types. So, as a responsible pet owner, be sure to stay informed of these potential risks to your bird’s health and life and avoid them as much as you can.
When unsure of what to do, you can also consult your vet for further information on the best way to care for your parrotlet to keep it healthy and well for years to come.