Full Comparison You Should Know – Parrotlet Vs Lovebird

Our parrotlet vs lovebird comparison gives you a clearer idea on what to expect from these two adorable bird species.

When looking at their physical appearances, they very much look alike. They both have the same diminutive bodies, cheery and somewhat feisty character, and a lot more!

But there is more to these birds than what meets the eye. This is why we invite you to check out this interesting comparison between these two birds to get to know more about their personality, physical features, trainability, and so much more.

If you are keen to adopt one of these species, then read along to learn about these two and find out which one is a better option for you. Let’s get started.

parrotlet vs lovebird

Parrotlet Vs. Lovebird: Personality

Both birds are indeed adorable creatures. The lovebirds came from Africa while the parrotlets are typical in South and Central America. They do look alike in some ways but in terms of their origin, they are not at all close to each other.

First, let’s take a look at the personality of these two birds. Although it is obvious that they are tiny, they have no idea just how small they actually are – and their personality proves it. They have tiny bodies but a big personality. In fact, they can be a bit nippy, which is one of their common traits.

They need to be handled and petted regularly, so you can tame them. Otherwise, they can be quite wild and a bit on the aggressive side. This is why we do not recommend keeping two birds in one cage. If you do, then there may be a lot of rivalry going on. So, if you would like to have two of these birds, you should put them in separate cages. 

They appreciate getting your love, affection and attention. But when it comes to having a bird companion, they are not too thrilled about this idea. 

Additionally, they have a tendency to be jealous of other pets and other household members. If you have female lovebirds or parrotlets, they are even more aggressive and feisty than their male counterparts.

But aside from aggression, these birds are also noted for their smarts. They are intelligent little creatures that can easily figure out things and solve problems they find themselves in. So, if you have these birds in a cage, you better be sure it stays latched. With their inherent intelligence, it would not take long before they figure out a smart way to get themselves out of the cage!

Parrotlet Vs Lovebird: Body Size And Lifespan

As we have mentioned earlier, these are both small birds. This makes them easy to care for, especially if you have a modest-sized home. You don’t have to get a massive cage for these bird species.

The parrotlet has a tiny size of 3 inches to as long as 5.5 inches. As for their weight, it goes from 18 to as much as 28 grams on average. The most popular parrotlet species are the spectacled, green-rumped, and the Pacific. 

As for the lovebirds, we have the masked, Fisher’s and the peach-faced ones. They are all small with no more than 6 inches long in height. But they can be a bit on the heavy side at 35 up to about 55 grams. So, if we are talking about heftiness, there is no doubt that lovebirds win this category.

When it comes to their lifespan, both pretty much live up to 20 years. However, parrotlets were only domesticated more recently than lovebirds. This is why there is not a whole lot of information out there about their lifespan. Yet, considering their small size, curiosity, problem-solving skills and high energy, there is a possibility that they can live just as long as lovebirds

Both the male and female lovebirds and parrotlets lack sexual dimorphism. This is why whether it is a female or a male bird, they may look the same. However, once they have reached maturity, there appears to be a more visible distinction between these sexes.

Parrotlet Vs Lovebird: Activity

Lovebirds and parrotlets are highly active birds. But when it comes to the quality of their voice, the lovebirds have a more shrill or high pitched shriek. However, parrotlets are unable to squawk and they tend to chirp quietly. While they may be primarily quiet, though, they still can learn how to talk. But among all the parrotlet species, the spectacled one is the most capable talker. 

On the other hand, lovebirds are not too keen on mimicking the voice they hear. They are also not big talkers unlike the parrotlets.

Both bird species love to stay active. They have a fancy for acrobatics and would love to play and explore. If you hold them, they enjoy hiding under your hair or even get inside your pocket. These tiny cuties enjoy colorful toys, especially ones that make noise and squeaks. If the toy is capable of being shredded, then that is another plus point.

We also highly recommend giving them a swing as they like this type of toy or activity. But it is best to avoid giving them tents or boxes that may only encourage their territorial behavior.

Parrotlet Vs Lovebird: Health And Suitability

When it comes to health, the lovebirds are pretty hardy creatures. They thrive when provided with a varied diet. If you would like to give bird food, then the pelleted one is best but be sure to supplement with some fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as seed mixes.

You can also do the same with parrotlets, but with some additional calcium and vitamin supplements. They may also be given nutritional seeds but variety is always best.

Overall, lovebirds and parrotlets are great options for pets. But if you prefer a chattier bird, then the parrotlet is your best bet. However, if you like a bird that is more quiet and not much of a talker, then the lovebird is for you. Nevertheless, both can do well in any home, as long as you do not give them any companion bird in the same cage.

Read More: Parrotlet Vs. Parakeet – Understanding The Differences Between The Two

Final Thoughts

We hope our parrotlet vs lovebird comparison has been helpful for you in determining which species is better for you. Now, you can make a smarter decision on which species works best for your particular preference, home, and personality.

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